What to expect

A traditional church that is passionate about loving our community to the gospel.

Clarence Nettles


Speaker 1: Uh. Uh. Well, good evening and welcome back to the Baptist Tabernacle. It's good to see all of you here tonight. Let's go ahead and stand and sing together. Hymn number seventy seventy eight. It's on the screen. Well, I didn't like this piece, and there were so many higher ground to get out here this evening.

Speaker 2: I'm pressing on the opposite way. Right. I'm gaining every day, still praying as I am on what ground floor plan my feet on higher ground.

Unidentified: I mean, the. Its name. Played my

Speaker 2: feet on. Ground, my heart has

Unidentified: no desire to stay where doubts arise in this man.

Speaker 2: Think. My name is Heidi.

Unidentified: Let me start by faith on heaven's name on a higher plane that I have found

Speaker 2: my feet on. Around. I want to live above the. Those agents are up for debate, has called the joyful sound of the song on.

Unidentified: Ground floor, lift me up and my knees my back on. STABLEMAN I am.

Speaker 2: Ford plant my feet on higher ground and.

Speaker 3: All right, good morning and welcome back to the Baptist Tabernacle. I hope that you had a good afternoon and we're so excited to have you on our service again here tonight. Looking forward to a good time in the Lord's House this evening. Let's go to law and order prayer. Ask his blessing on our time together, and then I'll let you be seated for a few announcements. Heavenly Father, we thank you for this day. Thank you so much for the opportunity. We have to gather again here at your house. Thank you for the good service we had this morning for the folks that were here. Lord, I pray that you would be with us again this evening as we seek to bring glory to your name. Lord should be with Brother Clarence as he preaches here in a few moments. And you give him the words that we need to hear. And it's in Jesus name. I ask these things. Amen. All right. Thank you so much for standing. You may be seated. Uh, a couple of things I want to talk to you about coming up first. Well, today tonight is the last night that will have the Clarence and Miss Britney here with us visiting our church for the potential of being our new youth pastor. And so they're going to be going home tomorrow. We had a meeting with our parents for 30 and appreciate all of the good questions that we had that were brought up in the meeting. Lots of different topics. And I don't know, Clarence, you didn't seem to be too nervous or anything, but, uh, he did a great job. And I appreciate his transparency and willingness to answer the different things that were brought up. Of course, that doesn't mean you can't ask him questions tonight. If you weren't able to make the meeting or maybe you think of something else, feel free to visit with him after the service is over or his wife, Miss Brittany, and they would be happy to answer any questions that you may have mentioned this before, but of course, he's preaching tonight. Our intention is to have a vote on Wednesday night as to whether or not to extend an offer of the position to Brother Clarence. As I've mentioned before, the Constitution is it contradicts itself, says that the pastor can hire and dismiss anyone besides himself. Uh, anyone to me means anyone, but then goes on to say that when it comes to associates and assistants, that is pending the approval of the church membership. And so it really doesn't matter if I like that or not. That's what it says. And so we will be bringing this to a vote on Wednesday night. And so it'll be up to the church membership to say yea or nay as to whether or not we extend that job offer to him. If it was up to me, then I would just I'd say I've seen enough and would like to extend this offer to you, but that is not the way it is. So we'll abide by the Constitution because that's what we've agreed to do. OK, maybe you don't care about the Constitution in that case, but anyways, that's the way that'll work. And so we will look forward to having a vote this coming Wednesday. So you say, why Wednesday? Why not Sunday? Well, next Sunday is Mother's Day. And so there is no evening service. We are not having a business meeting on Mother's Day Sunday morning. I will not be the pastor that does that. So then that would push you back even further and we don't want them hanging on, waiting to find out what the decision is going to be, and so that's not fair to them. I don't want to treat them that way. And so we'll try to get that done on Wednesday night so that they can know whether or not there is an offer of a job here. So anyways, a couple of other things. First, also, we got our mother daughter brunch coming up this Saturday. Lots of ladies signed up for it. It's a wonderful time. Ladies, I hope that you'll plan on attending. I hope that you'll also look around and see if there isn't someone that you can bring with you. A lot of new folks here at our church, people who may not come unless someone invites them. Talking about the youth group. Some teenagers won't come to an activity unless they're personally invited. And the same can be true about these type of things as well. So find a lady, maybe go look at the sign up sheet to see who signed up. You see your name on there that are you see a name missing off of their go to that person, say, hey, I'd love for you to come with me. Would you be my guest? Sit with me at my table and we'll have a great time for the ladies on Saturday morning at ten o'clock. Please do sign up if you haven't already. Mother's Day service next Sunday morning, we'll have a gift for each one of our mothers. There will not be an evening service. So I plan on spending time with Mom, um, and honoring her on that special day. We also have a teen kayaking trip coming up May 15th. Twenty five dollars a person. There was a meeting with Brother Matt last Sunday. If you missed that meeting, please go talk to him, get the information that you need about that trip. And that way we can have a successful time with our teens on that day. And it May 17th, we have a men's activity. We're going to go into golf suites, which is down there and jinx. It's driving range with the different levels and we'll be eating there as well. So, men, if you haven't signed up yet, please do sign up. We had eighteen on Wednesday. I think we have enough room for maybe twenty people to go. Twenty one people to go. So if you haven't signed up yet, please do that as soon as possible. And then one announcement that was not on the on the announcement slides, but I was reminded of May 16th. We have an opportunity for our men to to volunteer for a safety team that we have here at the church to help provide a safe worship environment, prevent people from messing with our vehicles while we're in here from coming inside the building that shouldn't be inside the building. And if you're not already on the safety team, then May 16th, after the morning service, there'll be a meeting right over here with brother Tony Dos and me going over a couple of things. If we get enough men, then it's not something you'd have to do every week. I think our goal is to have you just do it about once a month, watch during a service. And so if you can help us with that, please plan on attending that meeting on May 16th. I'll start to Miss Michelle earlier today. We do need some more help with Graeter's. And I would be great if we can have four Graeter's every month. We need to open the doors. We need some down at the children's entrance. A lot of folks come in the children's wing and are not greeted. They have to open the door themselves. And there would be great if we had some folks at the doors to the auditorium handing out the bulletins. We can only do that if we have the workers. And right now we're struggling to get to workers each month to greet at the main door. And so if you're interested in helping, you'd be willing to just be a smiling face, greeting people as they come in. I talk to Miss Michelle and she'll get you hooked up with a team to be able to help us with that. All right. Those are all of our announcements. Let me make sure, OK, we're going to send. All right, we're going to stand and sing a couple more songs,

Speaker 1: song we've been working on for a while, his way is perfect. I've seen the first in the second

Speaker 2: wind my

Unidentified: way, same song, Country and the Future. I don't.

Speaker 2: My heart felt so empty.

Unidentified: Citizen and. When I.

Speaker 2: Breaks with sorrow

Unidentified: and the tempest fills my soul.

Speaker 2: There's one thing I know for sure, my God is in control. His way is

Unidentified: of. Is Waguespack.

Speaker 2: So I don't understand. Is wise and

Unidentified: loving that his way is. As well as. I take my life and think of your. God makes no mistakes his way black.

Speaker 1: Let's go back to that first verse, let's work on that again, it's still unfamiliar to many of us, but we're going to keep on working and his way is perfect on the first

Speaker 2: wind my way, Same-store Gantry and the future. I don't. My heart felt so empty. As tears go, when my heart breaks with sorrow and the tempest fills my soul, there's one

Unidentified: thing I know for sure my God is in control.

Speaker 2: And his way is by.

Unidentified: Is way his path. Though I don't understand. Spies and. Plan his way is by. His way is by. Take my man, they are soil

Speaker 2: purified,

Unidentified: God makes no mistakes, it's way too

Speaker 1: fast. Let's continue singing him. No. Eighty six. My Jesus, I love the hem. No. Eighty six. You can turn your hymnal or you can look on the screen.

Speaker 2: My Jesus. I love my Jesus,

Unidentified: I. That's why.

Speaker 2: For the. Said. I raised. My gracious redeemer, I save your heart the.

Unidentified: If. However, I love the mighty.

Speaker 2: Sources.

Unidentified: I love this because now password's like me and. My. On.

Speaker 2: Oh, three.

Unidentified: I love. Before when? Horns and eyebrows. If she. However, I love.

Speaker 2: The mine disaster is now on

Speaker 1: the third as the ushers make their way forward.

Speaker 2: I love this life.

Speaker 1: Let's not do that again, sorry, I'm saying something a little different here. I love the in life, there we go. I love the life I'll love.

Unidentified: I. Lubie and. And raise the. Now. Steve. When? If.

Speaker 2: The mighty.

Unidentified: Source tells us.

Speaker 3: Amen. Well, it is good to have some folks back with us, uh, tonight, and I know she was here last week, but it's good to have Miss Mary Lou back from knee replacement and getting a little bit stronger every day. Uh, Lee says she's just going all over the place, walking around and making sure that she's gaining her strength back. And so, Miss Mary Lou, we're glad to have you here with us. And then I meant to mention it this morning, but Miss Tamira here with us and many of you know that Miss Tamar's continue to struggle with the aftereffects of covid and some Estamira. We're glad to have you back in service with us. And we've missed you and glad that you're here with us this evening. At this time, we're going to take up our offering and trust that God will bless you and your faithful to give back to him as he has blessed you. And I'd like to ask Brother SBN if you wouldn't mind pray, ask God's blessing on the offering. Himon thank you may be seated. On. And I probably told you this before, but I started learning how to play the trumpet and then I got braces. Do you have braces? You know, braces? Do you do have braces? Holy moly. Uh, gives me nightmares, just thinking back to that, how many of you have ever played a horn, a horn like that man? The lips, you know how where's your lips? Out. And so don't talk to Caleb right now. He probably can't talk, uh, very much. That was great. Appreciate you being willing to do that for us this evening. Tonight, we are privileged to have the Nettle's with us and been looking forward to hearing Brother Clarence preach and have enjoyed spending time with him and Miss Brittny and getting to know them better. And it's been very encouraging to hear how God has used both of their lives already and been very good to them and guiding and protecting them, preserving them through many different hurdles that they've had to face. And neither of them have come to this point in their life without facing some challenges. And our, uh, our teen parents heard a little of their testimony in the meeting beforehand, but very encouraged to see other, uh, young people that are committed to serving. The Lord surrendered to whatever he would have for their lives. And I'm excited for him to come and preach to us tonight. Brother Clarence, you come and preach and tell us what God has laid on your heart this evening.

Speaker 4: Hoping this thing is on so that I can go. All right, so Joe, chapter one, Joe, of Chapter one for you guys that weren't able to hear my testimony and you weren't part of that meeting there. I didn't say to the age about 15, so I went to public school. I didn't get indulged in all the things that you think a public school or would wear is like partying and going all this different. I didn't get involved in that. But I didn't get to the age of 15, a Sunday school teacher actually coming to my house for a whole year straight, inviting me and my brothers to church, which kind of blew them off. And the thing is, we knew when he was coming because he came at the same time every single day. So we know when he was coming, we knew the time he was coming. Can't just blow them. I got sick of him coming. So he said, you guys go check out that church so he could probably leave us alone. And if you don't want to go, you don't have to. I'm not going to force you. So we said, OK, we went first thing. Mitsuko's robust kids because we came in shorts and t shirt and we're like, well, we just walked to church. We were just down the street. He said, OK, and then what's the main service that you pastor with brother Aaron Wilson, which is the camp director at Camp Kodiak, where he served and worked out for three years. He brought to his office after the main service, the morning service, and as we have been saying. I kind of looked almost like Sage was like, yeah, have you ever have you ever been saved? I was like, what do you mean save like say from a car saved from being shot? What do you mean? What do you mean being saved? And he said, you know, have you ever asked. God, to come into your heart and say, I said no and you say you don't come don't come to the service, if you have any questions, come up the invitation. I will answer any questions you have. So we came back. I don't know if you talk to the pastor or let or not, but Pastor preached a clear message on heaven and hell. I knew I didn't want to go to hell, so I went up there on the invitation where they let me show me some verses from the Bible. Let me know whether or not I got back to that same night as well. And the next summer I was 16. My pastor preached a message of giving your whole life to God. And I felt God talking in my heart of, you know, I want you to be doing what, Pastor, let's do it. I looked at I kind of talk to God like God. There's no way I'm the shy guy. There's no way I hate being around people. I hate hate being the center of attention. There's no way that you're calling me to do what he's doing up there. I said, God, what you must be you must have the wrong guy. So during the invitation, I kind of just sat there and said, you know, I feel like there's someone that isn't responding to God's call in their life. And I just kind of kind of thought I was like, how does he know? And. He extended the invitation. I went back, talked to a youth worker and brother, and they they kind of talk to me just a few things. That is a few steps I need to take. If I wanted to make sure that I want to go forward with that call and God put all my life. I enrolled in the Christian school that next school year and graduated with West Coast graduate as well, and then went to interned at a church for the summer. Then what? Kobe I met my wife and we know we want to serve at a church and we know we want to help our teenagers because that's where I was reached. And I know that's where she was very impacted during her teenage years. So Chapter one. The first began, the first five verses of this chapter just tells us gives us a little bit of background of and just what he is, the possessions you have, the great possessions he has, and just that type of man he is. And we know job if you if you've ever been in church, somebody talk to you about this man named Joe, a lot of us probably pronounce his name wrong, thought his name was job. But we've we've heard about Joe. Joe was a man that had great riches, lots of kids, he was that rich man, that millionaire we want to be like. We're starting the first six. The batteries now there was a day when the Sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them, and the lower sentence is Satan, which comes thou. Then Satan answered the Lord and said from going to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down it in the Lord said in the same house I considered my servant Joe, that there is none like him in the Earth, a perfect and upright man, one that fierce God and its evil. Say, nationally, the Lord and said, does Joe fear God for not has not made, has thou, may not not me, thou hedge about him and about his house and about all that he has on every side. Thou hast bless the work of his hands and his substance is increased in the land, but put forth time hand now and touch all that he have and he will kirsti to thy face. And the law said unto Satan, behold, all that he hath is in my power only upon him himself. Put not forth thine hand so Satan with forth for the presence of the Lord. And we know from the rest of those voices, we know the things that Satan took from we took everything from his sons, his daughters, his livestock, everything was taken away from Joe. And we know, Joe, in that moment. He didn't curse God, he didn't blame God for all those things being taken from him. He didn't blame God for his sons and daughters being killed. He didn't blame God for any of it. He said, God, you giveth and you taketh away, and he bless God for it. He didn't curse God, he's a God, why are these people why have my sons and daughters been taken away from me? Lord, why are you taking everything from me? He didn't blame God for. He said, God, you give if you have the right to take away. And we know later in the verses, Satan comes back to God saying, what if you let me touch him, then he'll surely curse you. And in those verses, it talks about how he had balls from his toes all the way up to the crown of his head. And he was just suffering much more, even through that he still didn't curse God. His wife. Told him, curse God and die. His wife even was blaming God for all the things that happened to them. Now, if you're taking notes and you like you like taking notes and having a tolerance, I entitled this choosing faith in the midst of suffering. Choosing faith in the midst of suffering, let's pray and then we'll get into this. Dear Lord, I think you just for today, I thank you for your word. Thank you. Just for. For example, here we have a job, Lord, that even through the suffering, the temptations, she had to go through Lord. That he still chose to have faith in you. They got when we go through trying times and we go through hard times, what are we? We'll have faith and trust in. Lord, help us as we look, look, look into these, look at your world, look at these verses knowing that we as job would use faith. In the midst of suffering. Thank you for everything you do for us and the blessings you give us every single day, and I pray Amen. So how's your faith during suffering, during a trying time, during a temptation? How is your faith? Are you asking God, God, why am I why am I the one having to go through this God, why am I the one being tempted? God, why is this person being taken away from me? God, why did this person have to die? Why? Why is this happening to me? Are you asking God, why are you asking God, why am I the one who has to suffer? Lord, I'm I'm I'm serving you. I love you. I give, I give in. I give them the offerings. I give my time. I give I give back to the church. When I help out, I serve. Lord, why is this happening to me? So here we see in his background, he was a religious man. He did everything. That the law commanded him, even taught his kids to do everything that the law commanded. You want to be honest, I probably probably ask, you know, God, God what? But he didn't actually like we were blaming God for. He's asking God why, why? What's what's the purpose in this? What are you trying to teach me in this? I've heard this so many times from different different pastors and different teachers of a faith that can't be tried, can't be trusted. If your faith can't be tried through trials and temptations, if your faith can't be tested, it can't be trusted. If you can't go through some suffering and still believe God is good. That your faith is not in the right place. Now we'll look at two questions. That we need to ask ourselves. Do the through the example, the suffering here, that job went through. The first is, do you catch Satan's attention as Christians, we don't want to be we we we think we don't want to be all right. I don't want Satan to be looking at me. I'm trying to stay as far away from as I can. Satan walks about this war, and it tells us in the Bible, Satan walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He's not looking for those Christians that aren't doing anything for God, the ones that are just sitting around not doing anything, those once he's that's a pretty far line if they're just laying there. That's easy for him. That's that's not to do anything for that. But if you look. And you study the way airline stocks, if they start, they look and they try to see every weakness of their prey. You are if you're doing something, if you're serving in your church, if you're teaching in a class, if you're doing a work for God, you want your own Satan's Reidar. As trying to trip you up some one way or another. He's looking for that weakness. Job here. He did everything that he was supposed to do. And saying, OK, this guy is doing some great for God, if I could get him to trip up, I can get anybody around him to trip up. What this people around you that look up to you, your faith. That look to you? As an example. Because us Christians, as little as Little Christ, are supposed to be an example to the believer, we are supposed to help others. What if we're letting our faith? If our faith is weak and we're suffering, diminish our belief in God. Those people are looking at you for an example. The difference is that the same thing is going to happen to their faith. Like I said, since Satan has you on his radar, if you're doing some for God because he feels if he can get you, if he can get that big dog. Tough doubt. He can get others around you to doubt. So if you're doing stuff for God, he's got you, you're on Satan's radar. Watch what. In God's word, he says, it tells us that he doesn't let us be tempted above which with which we are able. That's not going to let Satan, I believe Satan has to ask God, hey, am I able to attack this this follower of yours? Am I able to go after this person just like he had to Wojo? He had to ask permission before he even laid a hand on Joe. You can't just come into your life and do anything he wants. He has to get permission from God so God knows what you're able to go through. But we have to rely on him and have faith in him that he's going to get us through it drove here. He knew. He knew God had his back. He knew that anything seen throughout God. God was right there to help him through it, taking his kids, taking everything he owned you God, you gave it to me. But it's yours to take back any time you want. God, you gave me these kids, you gave me this these animals, you gave me this property, these servants, Lord, you gave me those. But you're also able to take them back. It's not mine. I didn't earn this, you gave it to me. He knew that God. Was not going to turn to him above, which he is a. That's not going to let Satan attack you in such a way that you can't bear it. But you have to rely on God strength to get you through it. It's nothing that you could do within yourself, nothing you could do of yourself, but it's everything he can do through you. So as you see in radar. The saying, get your attention, that's the first question, are you thinking, what am I? Are there times when I'm going through trials and suffering and temptations? Are there times where I'm going through some trying times? Because who are you? You're on Satan's radar. Say, looking for a way to find a weakness, to pounce on you. But then my second question for you is, if you want Satan's radar, if he's finding ways that he can get to you. Does your faith hold? Who was it, Joseph? He lost everything. His wife, the one that was supposed to be there by his side through everything. He even tells you you just curse God and die. If my wife were to ever tell me if we went through something so hard. That she says, you want just forget about God. You should just die, there's no reason for living. I would be devastated. Which one? My priorities should be so straight that God No one. Nothing below it shakes it. My foundation, the reason why I'm living. Even if my wife tells me. To forgive my God for God. That shouldn't shake my foundation of my where my faith is. What I'm holding on to you during these suffering times, because you want. God's going to get you through it. He got a job through and we know at the end of the story, Joe. Yes, five times back what he had. Because of his belief, his faith in God. Because he knew that God. Had his back. Because you're guaranteed. So rough waves throughout this Christian life, so rough, some rough terrain, you're not guaranteed smooth sailing through your Christian life just because you got saved. There's going to be some trying times. There's going to be some suffering that comes along the way. It's going to be some bumps along the road. But are you going to let your foundation, what you believe in, who you lean on during those trying times? You have the strength to get through it. Because it's your foundation. Not saying there's a bathroom, but if your foundation is your family. That's what you're relying on through these tough times. That could be a little shaky, but that that won't help you through it. Your family, you may say, is your rock, but you want. That right might be might be a little little unstable. We need to make sure that our foundation, who we believe in, who we trust in during those trying times. As our heavenly father, who gets us through anything? Who has the strength? That we don't have. But we have to make sure that he. Is number one, he's our foundation. He's who were our life. It's surrounded by. Was this by anything else, if your foundation is built on anything but that solid, right, that solid rock? You build your life upon the sand. And you know, that illustration from the Bible, that parable, you build your house upon us and the rain comes down, those trying times they come down you want. Your house is washed away. Well, you better on the rock. Jesus Christ, our Lord, our savior, our God. Those trying times come, the rain beats, the waves beat against it, you want your house? During the end of it. It's still there. So are you choosing faith? In the midst of suffering. Because I asked you if you're serving God the way you should be. You're going to be you're going to be on Satan's radar job was. And when you're on his radar, when those trying when he gets permission from God to tempt you to bring some suffering in your life. Does your faith hope? Does your faith in God hold strong? We got to do some inspection of our lives of God, are you number one or something else? Because if he's not number one. That foundation, like I said, is going to be the same in. But if he's number one, he's what your life is built upon, just like job, even with his wife telling him and abandoning him, tell telling and curse God and die. He knew who is no one was. When you're No one is God, there's nothing that they can get through at you that's going to shake your faith, you want in the end, at the end of that suffering. God's going to bless you. Above what you can ever think. Dear God, I thank you for your word, I thank you just for. Lord Howe, you bless us, Lord, throughout every single day. Got even through suffering, Lord, that we see at that moment, Lord, we don't see how we can bear, how we can go through it, but Lord, we even see from the example of Joel's life here, Lord, that he chose faith in the midst of suffering and Lord, how you blessed his life above what he already had. And Lord. That God, when we are going through trials. Lower that we make sure you are our foundation because normally we do a work for you, we're going to be on Satan's radar. He's looking to he's looking to destroy our lives. Well, the word when that suffering comes, our faith has to hold. Will be with us, Lord, tonight, even to look at our lives and make sure our foundation, our number one. Is right, that is, you know, that nothing else takes the place. That you deserve in our lives, in my pray.

Speaker 3: We have a time of invitation, and if God has spoken to your heart, perhaps you're going through one of those trying times and you felt your faith wavering tonight. Maybe you need to do some introspection, some examination to see who your foundation is built on. Can you say with job that God is your foundation or is it something else? As Brother Matt Seeings passed Minato gentle savior God has spoken to your heart. You do business with him right now.

Speaker 2: Uh, Smy not so gentle. Save your hear my humble cry. I was. Alan, there's our calling, do not pass me by. I said. Your say.

Unidentified: If your hear my humble cry.

Speaker 2: While others, thou art calling, do not pass me by. I love. Let me throw no see by the sweet, really. Me. They're in deep contrition

Unidentified: held by Unbe.

Speaker 2: Ive said. Save your save your hear my humble cry.

Unidentified: I was. What others

Speaker 2: are calling do not pass me

Speaker 3: by. Hey, man, thank you so much for that message tonight, Brother Clarence and I sure do appreciate that. We're going to be dismissed here in just a moment. I'd like to ask for the Clarence Miss Britney to go ahead and make their way out to the FOIR and encourage you to go by and get to know them a little bit, introduce yourself and maybe you haven't had a chance to connect with them yet. Please do that tonight before you leave and be a prayer for them and us as we seek God's will as to whether or not they would be coming here to join us. And as I said before, we do intend, uh, should things go well throughout the rest of this week to hold a vote on Wednesday night as to whether or not to extend a job offer to Brother Clarence? And if you have any questions about that, please come and see me. Be happy to talk to you about it. But anyways, thank you all so much for being here. Thank you for making the effort to be back tonight and trust that God will bless you for that and that he'll give you a good start to your week. And we'll look forward to seeing you back here with us on Wednesday night, brother. That's going to come close. It's, in a word, a prayer. Once he's done, you'll be dismissed.

Speaker 1: Let's go to the Lord in prayer father again. We come before you. We are thankful that we get to come to you, Lord, that you hear our cries and a Lord, that you don't just pass by our situation in life and overlook the things that we're going through. But you go through it with us, as you did with job. Lord, help us to put our trust, our confidence. O Lord, our all in you, Lord, continue to help us as we go through our week. Lord, help us set our jobs, Lord, in the workplace, at home, around our family members. God, whatever you put us through, Lord, help us to go through it with you and trust you through Jesus. And I pray a man you are dismissed. Uh.

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