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2 Samuel 4:4

Jonathan and Saul


Speaker 2: Amen. Thank you for that. Take your Bibles if you have them, turn to second. Samuel, chapter four. Second Samuel, chapter four. Second Samuel, chapter four. And as you find your place, if you wouldn't mind, join me in standing in honor of reading God's Word, we're going to read a single verse, verse number four together here today. Tonight, second, Samuel, chapter number four. We've been looking at refreshing stories from the Bible, basically stories that don't look like they should have anything good involved in them. And yet God takes somebody's circumstance and brings good out of it. And so we've looked at a lot of different illustrations of that. And tonight we're going continue on with it starting in second Samuel chapter four, verse number four, the Bible says, and Jonathan Saul's son had a son that was lame on his feet. He was five years old when the tidings came of Saul and Jonathan out of Jezreel. The Titans, of course, being that they had both been killed and his nurse took him up and fled and it came to pass as she made haste to flee that he fell and became Lane. His name was my favorite. Let's pray, Lord, I asked you to help us. Now, as we look into your word, praise you give me the words you have me to say. You help folks that are here to listen and apply it to here to their lives. It's in Jesus name, I pray. Amen. Thank you. May be seated. We are introduced tonight to our person of interest in second single chapter number four. The Bible tells us a little bit about this young boy that we just read about regarding his pedigree, but then also his condition. Think with me a little bit about the pedigree of the young man that we just read about. He is the son of Jonathan, the son of Saul, meaning he is the grandson of the King of Israel. During Saul's reign, Jonathan was the heir, meaning that there is a good possibility that Mothibi Sheth would have been in line to eventually become King of Israel. For the first five years of his life, the famous chef lived the life that you would expect for a prince. His home was a palace. He had servants that cared for him. His father was an important figure in the kingdom as he was heir to the throne. Most likely a famous chef received everything that could be afforded to him until everything changed. In a single day of tragedy, this boy lost everything. Notice the boy's condition. The Bible tells us that he was orphaned at the age of five. Both his father and his grandfather died on the same day in a battle against the Philistines. The only person left to care for the boy was his nurse, and in her attempt to save him, she accidentally hurts him, fearing, of course, that the young boy might be the next one on the list of deaths, the nurse nurse scoops him up and flees with him in her arms. But as she's running, carrying a five year old, something happens so that the boy falls and injures himself. Jackson, are you five? Can you come here for a second? Do you want to get up and come over here? No, you're not. Five. Are there any other five year olds? Do you want to come up here? All right, come on. She's like, Oh, yeah. Do you mind if I pick you up? You don't mind? Ah, you do mind? Can I. Can I pick you up? Are you heavy? No, not that way. Turn around. All right. You are heavy. All right. So can you imagine this? This nurse as she's running, okay? And she's trying to carry not a baby, not a toddler. Like a five year old. You're pretty big, aren't you? I mean, five years old. You're basically an adult. Right. Are you basically a teenager? No. Okay. All right. So, I mean, yeah, I mean, I'm a I'm a man and I'm probably bigger than this nurse lady was, but just running with a five year old. I'm not going to drop you. I know she dropped him, but I'm not gonna drop you. That would get really hard after a while. You did very good. Thank you. Put you down. Give her a hand. I don't know how it happened. I don't know if she tripped. I don't know if he was squirming. Maybe he was a little bit used to getting his way and he didn't like being carried. Maybe he pushed himself out of her arms. But something happens so that maybe she falls and hurts himself and he breaks his feet. Some bone in his feet. Maybe he breaks his ankle. Maybe he breaks his leg. Maybe the nurse fell on top of him. Boy's injuries, probably in our day and time. Wouldn't have been that big a deal. Probably would have gone to the doctor and got it set down a surgery, put some rods in, and he would have been just fine or in a brace for a while, but he would have been able to walk. But in that day and time, he didn't have any of those things available to him. And so the Bible tells us that for the rest of his life, this boy in the future would be lame on his feet. This poor, innocent five year old has had his entire life ripped away from him in a single day. His grandfather has been killed. His father has been killed. His nurse has been trying to save her, his life, and yet she has dropped him or he has fallen. And now he can no longer walk. He's lost his home. He's lost everything that he's used to. His only crime was being born into the family of the king. As a new king arose, the boy's connection to the old line made him a threat. His relationship with Saul and Jonathan made him a threat to the new line of kings. He would need to live a life of anonymity if he had any hope of surviving the culture. And that day was when the new king came into power. He would kill everyone that was involved in the old the old royal family so that they wouldn't try to come along and usurp his authority or usurp his throne. And so the famous chef was taken into hiding. And for a long time, he was able to remain hidden. He was able to remain secret, but he couldn't last forever. Is he? Things were happening that the fiber chef couldn't control and didn't even know about. I want you to take your Bibles and skip forward the second Samuel Chapter nine. Second Samuel, Chapter nine. For us, it's a few pages, a few chapters over. But in the life of Matthias Sheth, going from second Samuel four to second Samuel nine represents a jump of 16 years. So this five year old boy has been quietly living his life in secret. Now, as we come back to him and second, Samuel nine, he is 21 years old, by the way. That makes the new king 46 years old. Here is Mother Sheth. We find out later in verse number 12 that by this point he has his own son, a young boy named Micah. We find out that his legs never did heal properly in the town he lives in had at one time been known for its pasture land. But by this point it was known for its lack of pasture land. The Bible tells us that the fiber Sheth was living in a city according to version number four, called Low Debar, Low Dash Debar You go back to the book of Joshua. This is the same city that was settled in called Dever, and it was settled in because it was very lush, it was well watered, there was a lot of pasture for cattle. But by the time we get to my fingers, that's life. It's bearing. The name has been changed almost to mark the town and that it is no longer DBA, but low DBA, low DBA, no pasture. It's a it's a sad place to live. When we look at the food, the chef's life, we cannot help but pity him in all that he has suffered. And I have to wonder, as a fiber chef is there in low to bar, as a 21 year old man raising his own son, what did he know or what did he think about the new king that had now been on the throne for over 15 years? Did a fiber chef often think about his own father? Did he know that his dad and the new king had been very close friends? In fact, they been best friends. Maybe Mahfouz's chef had some small memories of of his father and David, or maybe someone had told him about how close David and Jonathan had been. Wonder if there was ever a thought in in my feedback. That's mine of going to David revealing himself to the king on the basis of I'm Jonathan's son, if there ever was that thought it was quickly squashed by the fear of how David might view my the chef. You see, a famous chef, as we had already said, had been in line for the throne. David would have been justified in viewing the chef as a threat. Whatever friendship and closeness David and Jonathan had enjoyed, there was no chance that any benefits of this would trickle down to my fiber chef. He had come to accept that it was best for him to remain hidden for as long as he could. David was too powerful. There were too many unknowns. It was too risky to think that he would be accepted by the rival king. Unbeknownst to Bibi Chef, though, David had not forgotten his friend Jonathan, nor had he forgotten the promise he had made to his friend back in first single 20. If you wanted to turn back there, you could. But in first Samuel, chapter 20 versus 14 through 17, we see a very specific promise that David had made to his friend Jonathan. Jonathan is speaking and he says, Verse number 14 Thou shalt not shout. Not only while yet I live. Show me the kindness of the Lord that I did not. But also Thou shalt not cut off de kindness from my house forever. No, not when the Lord hath cut off the enemies of David, everyone from the face of the earth. So Jonathan made a covenant with the House of David, saying, Let the Lord even required it at the hand of David's enemies, Jonathan cause David to swear again because he loved him, for he loved him as he loved his own soul. So David had promised to Jonathan all the way back before David had been king, before Saul had been killed. He said, Look, not only will I show you the kindness of the Lord, but when I am king, I will show the kindness of the Lord to your entire household. So many years on, David is looking for some way to keep his word. Verse number three tells us that he wants to do exactly what Jonathan had requested of him. Look at what David says in a question to Zeba, a servant of Saul's, he says. Is there not yet any of the House of Saul that I may show the kindness of God unto Him? No, I don't know what you think when you hear that phrase, the kindness of God or the kindness of the Lord. But it's not just saying I want to show them extreme kindness. Perhaps you've been shown at one time or another someone who was very kind to you and you said, Well, this person was when over and above what what normally would be shown as common courtesy or kindness or friendliness, maybe even close friends. When he talks about the kindness of God. It's talking about a supernatural, miraculous demonstration of kindness. And that's what Jonathan had asked of David, and that's what David wants to do. For somebody insults household, it's important for us to note in verse number one of chapter nine that it is David who initiates this project. Jonathan I mean, here is here David is. He's in. He's in the palace. Things are going right for him. He's experiencing victory after victory after victory. And there's no one that comes up to him and says, Hey, David, don't you remember the promise you made to your friend Jonathan? I mean, Jonathan couldn't do it. He's dead. Nobody else probably even knew about this promise. David really probably could have gone to his grave without ever actively trying to fulfill this promise. And no one would have known, but David would have known. So it's David that initiates this, and he does so by calling this man Ziba, one of Saul's former servants. Ziba is a complicated character in the biblical record. He plays a pretty big role later on, and I believe he actually ends up betraying the chef. But in this interaction Zieba seems to be protecting but the chef. David asks several questions in verses two and three, and Zieba gives him truthful but precise answers. Look at version two, says there was of the House of Saul, a servant whose name was Zeba. When they called unto him, David, the king said to him, Art thou Zeba? And he said, I servant is he. That's all you got. Okay. King said, Is there not yet any of the House of Saul that I may show kindness of God in him? Zeba said anything. Jonathan, have you had a son which is lame on his feet? That's it. David doesn't get anything else out of him first or for King said to him, Where is he? And Zeba said, Under the king. Behold, he is in the house of Maker, the son of Emil, in load of art. All right, so here's Zeba and he's you know, he's given him just the facts that he asks for. He's not volunteering information. You know how sometimes you ask somebody something and they just, like, start spilling their entire life story to you and you're like, whoa, I just want to know where the closest Starbucks was. I didn't really want to get into politics here, you know? But Zeba is truthful. He doesn't lie, but he doesn't go over and above to give David information that could be costly for somebody like him. FIB, chef. Well, after receiving the information verse summer five, David the King sent for my father. Sheth I want you to imagine what it was like from Ofeibia Sheth to receive that message that David the King, was calling him to Jerusalem. Imagine perhaps one day he is out of the house, doing his best to keep up with Micah. Micah maybe as a toddler, maybe he's just learning to walk. Maybe he's just learning to run. And a lot of things have really not gone mahfouz's way. But here he has this. This little boy, this son, maybe something that he never really thought that he would get to experience. And his son has brought so much joy in his pained life. But even as he watches the toddler waddle around, he has this longing inside of him. He wishes that he could run and play with his little boy. He wishes, as he watches Micah just, you know, acting like a little kid and enamored by every little thing that happens to cross his path. You know, a butterfly flutters by in my mike is like chasing after it, and he's watching him. And he wishes that, you know, that his dad could have met him. He wishes Jonathan was alive to be able to meet Micah and spend time with his grandson. He thinks about the. The fact that. Instead of a palace, Micah will have to grow up in the wasteland of low the bar. And there's just so much going on in amphibious chefs mind and he's so happy to have a son. But it also reminds him of all that he's lost. And even in the good times, there are constant reminders of what isn't true about his life. Then my future looks out on the horizon and in the distance he sees dust rising from the road as horses and their riders gallop towards town. Now, this would have been a strange occurrence. Although the bar wasn't exactly a tourist stop, people were more likely to try and get out of low the bar than to get into local bar. Maybe these riders are just passing through. Of course they weren't passing through. And to my surprise, and maybe to his worry, these riders ride up straight up straight to his house. They stop in front of his door and begin to get out of their saddles. But the chef does his best to prop himself up to greet and see who these riders were and why they've come to his house. When he sees them, his surprise, he finds they are royal messengers. His heart drops as they announce to him that the King has requested his presence in Jerusalem further. Sheth always knew there was a chance that this day would come. After six years, though, he thought that maybe he would be allowed to live his life in quiet. But now it seems like the time had come. He has no choice but to go with these men. You can't resist the Royal Messengers. Thankfully, as he looks at their set up, they seem to have been aware of his condition as they've made provision for him to travel with them low. The bar is all the way in the north east corner of Israel. Jerusalem would be in the south central part of Israel, so it'd be quite a trip for him to make. A verbal chef tells his small, young family goodbye and he heads off to face the king. What went through his mind as they journey would be at least a couple of days before they would get to Jerusalem. What was he thinking about this whole time? Why were these men keeping him alive? Just so that David could kill him personally? What was the game? What was going on? What waited for him in Jerusalem? Upon reaching Jerusalem, the famous death is quickly ushered in to see the king. He doesn't know what is on David's mind, why he's been brought to the palace. As he comes into the King's presence. The Bible tells us in verse number six that he falls to the ground and references the King. There is a chance for mercy. It will only come through humility. There are several ways the physician could have responded to David. It could have been, you know, it would have been done. But he could have been bold. He could have gotten an attitude. He could have curse David. He could have yelled and screamed at him and blamed him for everything bad that had happened in his life. But instead he falls down before him and offers respect and reverence to the king. David responds to the chef's entrance by saying only the man's name. In the verse number six, David said The finisher. A finish. That's mind must have raced. Was there malice in David's voice? It didn't seem like it. Was it a trick of his mind, or did he detect something else in the voice of the King? Was there a hint of pity? Was that kindness he heard better off to assume it was nothing? Miss Bibi Sheth responds with his voice, shaking. Behold thy servant. David understands the fear that the Fitbit Sheth must have felt in this moment. You know, sometimes when people say, I understand how you feel. They really don't. But David is sitting on the throne, understands somewhat of how the Fitbit Sheth feels, because David at one time had been in the same position he had stood before. I keep thinking and at times thinking rightfully this king intended to kill him. David puts Mothiba Sheth at ease. There is no evil intent in Davids heart for this young man. He tells them in verse number seven, Fear not. David did not arrange this meeting. It's a judgment of the chef for the family that he was born into. This is probably what the fiber chef assumed. But instead, David seeks to offer the young man an opportunity to be shown kindness for the sake of his father. He says, Fear not, for I will surely show the kindness for Jonathan, my father's sake. This is incredible that this is recorded for us this way. You see, what we're looking at here is a young man named Phoebe Sheth who is about to become the beneficiary of someone else's actions. He must have been shocked after all these years to hear the King talk so fondly of his father. Perhaps he had felt at times like he was the only one who remembered what a good man his dad had been. David continues by announcing that Mufasa Sheth will receive much of what he lost as a five year old orphan. David says he will restore to the all the land of Saul. They father and thou shall eat bread at my table continually. The first thing he learns that he will receive is the inheritance of the familial lands of his grandfather. We study the Old Testament, the judges especially, and you know that the the inheritances of of the the land of Canaan, the different plots of land that the Israelites received when they overthrew the Canaanites, that was that was a big deal for them. The inheritance. When when when a family inherited land, it was supposed to be tied to that family forever. But Saul's lands had been lost when he died. They either went to the crown or they were overrun by squatters. Either way, David says, I'm a famous chef. You will regain control of these lands by my command, by my power. I'll make sure it happens. But not only will he inherit the lands of his grandfather, he will also return to a life in the palace. He will leave the land of no pasture. And instead he will sit continually at the table of the king. Think not only of how this changes things from a fiber chef, but think about how this changes things for his son. Father's Day is coming up. I'm not going to be here to preach to you. So I had to get my Father's Day plug in now. I saw a video today that was making fun of how preachers deal with Father's Day versus Father's Day. Pastors up in the pulpit and it says Mother's Day at the bottom. And he says, We're glad that all you mothers are here. You all look so wonderful today. Let's give our hand to our mothers. Mothers with without you. You guys don't like your mother? Only even bothered to clap along. Without you, we wouldn't be here. I mean, we're just so grateful for you. We've got a special gift for all the mothers in the back. And let's look at the Bible now, and let's just really build you up for how good you are. Then it's switches and it's Father's Day. You know, before he had on this nice, colorful suit and everything look real sharp. Then Father's Day, his hair's disheveled, he hasn't shaved, and he's like, All right, it's Father's Day. Where's the rest of the fathers? Bunch of deadbeats. Well, I'm glad you're here. It gives me somebody to beat up. And let me tell you what a horrible job you're doing at being a father. Really Dad's. The Lord knows how selfless you really are. God sees all those times you put your family first, those times that you sacrificed your own desires, your own wants for the good of someone else. A lot of times no one even noticed. I'm sure there was a part of my fiber shirt that was glad that his personal condition was changing. But I don't think it's an accident that God let us know that the fiber shed had a small sign because I think probably in within the fiber. Sheth There was something greater that encouraged him that day, and it was how all of this was going to change things for Micah. And he was thinking about how Micah's life was now going to be much different, that his own life had been. He had lost everything at the age of five, but by the time Micah turns five, he'll be experiencing many of the things that my Fiber Sheth had missed out on. The famous chef is rightfully overcome with the goodness of King David. And so La Mer eight. He bowed himself and said, What is this servant? The Dow should us look upon such a dead dog as I am? Memphis has bounced back down to the ground in an expression of gratitude and humility. Lefevere Sheth wonders out loud, How could anyone take note of a man like him? He is worse than a dog. Now you and I think of our dogs and we think, Oh, they're so cute and cuddly and sweet. And you talk to your dog like it's a baby. You know, it's your baby, your your your joke, your good girl. That is not the way they view dogs in that day. Where they view dogs is probably the way you view a rat. It's just a really big rat. Some of you have had Chihuahuas and you know, well, that's really not that far off. She says, I'm not even a dog. I'm a dead dog underwriting stinking carcass of a dog that's laying on the side of the road that you pass by. And oh, would sanitation please come and remove this this dead animal? It's disease. It's nasty. Nobody's going over to that dead dog and picking it up and cradling it and scratching its stiff belly, you know, and taking it home and bathing it. Nobody's doing that. It's a dead dog. That's how the bishops view themselves. And yet David's goodness has extended even to him. But there are some things we have to understand, number one. The chef had done nothing to earn the favor of the king. And up until a few weeks ago, David didn't even know you existed. There was nothing my fiber chef had done to earn David's favor. Number two. Really wasn't anything the Mafia chef had to offer the king. It's not that my fibber chef was some great philanthropist. The full and thorough do gooder. It wasn't some great, you know, charitable person that had made a name for himself in the community and had caught the eye of David. And he really didn't have anything to offer in the future either. Obviously, that's not going to war, is not Joab. You know, he is not he's not some great political ally that that can contribute to David's, you know, administration. If anything, he's a liability. All right. He's the grandson of the guy that you took over for. So he did nothing to earn it. He has nothing to offer the king. And yet neither of these factors were influential in David's actions. David showed kindness to a fiber chef because of something that Jonathan had done years earlier. And so Mathema Sheth is the beneficiary of someone else's actions. Now, is some of this starting to sound familiar to you? Is it perhaps starting to connect with another story that you and I ought to be personally attached to? I strongly believe that we are meant to see a picture of the Gospel in this passage. I want you to think for a minute about all that we've rehearsed regarding the Phoebe chef's life, and the Phoebe chef suffered great loss. And I believe we see the fall of man in the film Chefs Fall. Humanity was born into privilege. When God created us, everything was perfect. We had everything we could possibly want or need because of who our father was. We lost it all. When you were born, were you born in the Garden of Eden? If you were born in Texas, then you can say yes. But everybody else? Unfortunately no. No. But because of who your father was, there were some things that were true about you. You were born a sinner. You were born with a sin nature. And so we. We've lost all the privileges that that Adam and Eve had enjoyed prior to their sin and prior to the fall. And we see a the physical impairment that Mothibi Sheth suffered from is mirrored in the spiritual impairment that you and I suffer from. You see, he had always had this. There was a time or a finish that could walk and run these five years old when this happens. I can remember when I was five. That's not quite as far away as it is for some of you. But how can you remember things from when you were five years old going to kindergarten, going to Sunday school, playing with your friends? I can remember certain things about being five to finish. I believe because I always look back and remember what it felt like to run in the grass, to feel the wind in his hair. Couldn't do those things anymore. But he remembered what it was like. Same is true for us. We weren't always hampered by sin. But in our current condition, sin touches every part of our lives. Experience the finishes. Had lost so much, including his physical abilities, and yet there was still joy that he was able to have. Right. There were still good experiences. He's got his little boy. He's enjoying those things that other enjoys with his son. But every time he sees his son is reminded also of what he can't do. And you and I, we. We do. Even before you were saved, I bet you had good times. There were some good memories before your salvation. I mean, it wasn't. It wasn't all just, like, horrific. There were some good things, but the good things are even touched by the bad things. I mean, even in the good parts of life, we're reminded of what we've lost. It goes back to the curse. We experience the satisfaction of a of a of a job well done or putting in the effort to to do a day of work. And yet we realize that it saps us of energy. We've we've seen the joy and the happiness that a new baby brings into a house. But even with that baby coming into that house, we understand that there's great danger and pain and risk involved with it. Is he? Everything has been touched by sin, just like every part of mathematics. Life was changed when his father and grandfather died. When? When our father, Adam, sinned. It affected everything about our human experience. And even the best parts of life are interrupted by sin. I was thinking about for my dad. He he experienced a time like this back in 2014. January 7th, 2014. My grandfather, my dad's dad passed away from complications with muscular dystrophy on January 8th, 2014. My son Titus was born, and so I tried to think about how that affected my dad. On one hand, he loses his father on January 7th. Then on January 8th, his first grandchild is born. You see how even in the good, happy times of life, sin is still present with us? It wasn't for sin. My grandfather would have never gotten sick. He would have never died. So in those two days we see this this picture painted, and I'm sure each one of you probably has a time or a scenario that you would think of that said that you would say, hey, this was a great time. There was rejoicing, there was happiness, but sin still showed its ugly face. Here is the refreshing part, though. A famous chef didn't know it, but there was a king out there looking to show kindness to him. There was a king that was summoning him to himself. And for you and I, we also have a king that is summoning us, is inviting us to come to his palace to stand before his throne. People everywhere hear his call. Even those that have never held a Bible have nature to show them that that there is a God. And if they would seek him, he would give them more light and more opportunity to respond to him. People everywhere hear the call of God, the call of our king, but too many are unsure of how to respond. Does this king wish them good or does he wished them ill? Paul told us that in our sins, we are at war with God. If. This is not a good illustration, but just work with me here. If your phone rang on the way home and you looked at it and said, Moscow, Russia, and you answered it, Vladimir Putin was on the other line and he said, I'd like for you to come to the Kremlin and I would like to speak to you. I'm sending some KGB agents right now to pick you up. How would you feel about that? We to be weird? Yeah. How likely are you to go? And for all my fiber Sheth knew of Vlad, he was calling him up. And for a lot of people who are still in their sins, God calling to them is like the enemy king, asking for their presence. And they're unsure of how they should respond. Should I go or should I not go? But those of us who are here, who have responded to him in humility, what have we found? Have we not found his favor poured out upon us when he calls to us for salvation and we respond in need, which requires humility, a need for forgiveness for salvation. Then we find His grace poured out on us not because of anything we've done and not because we have anything to offer him. Just like David showed kindness to shed for the sake of someone else. God, the father shows kindness. He shows grace to you and me for the sake of someone else. And who is that? Someone else. Jesus. It's for Jesus sake. That he saves us. I had a blast writing this sermon. I know it's Wednesday. But this is really good stuff. See it was Jesus actions that made it possible for us to experience the pleasure of God, just like it was Jonathan's actions that made it possible for us to experience the favor of David. And see because of Jesus and what he did. You and I gain an inheritance. We receive an inheritance because of what Jesus did. Because of Jesus. You and I are included at the table of the Lord. We get to enjoy fellowship with God, direct with God because of what Jesus did. We get to come into His throne room and sit where He sits because of Jesus. You see, we are the future. We're in need of grace. Undeserved, unearned favor. We are hampered by our sin. We're lost without any hope of regaining what humanity at one time had been given. If somebody doesn't intercede. But thank God Jesus interceded. We get to benefit from the actions of someone else. One last thing. This doesn't just affect us. But it affects our kids. It affects the children that are here with us tonight. The affects the young people are at who are at camp. It affects those who have yet to be born, their mom or dad reconcile with their king. It goes so much better for the children in that family. Micah maybe didn't even realize how his life was about to change because Dad got reconciled with the king. What can happen in your home if dad were to get reconciled with his king through what Jesus had done for him? It is great. I love this story. It's so refreshing to see a man who had absolutely no prospects. Yet God works and this whole situation change. Let's pray to Heavenly Father. Thank you for this day. Thank you for the folks that are here, for this story that you've preserved for us, and for the encouragement that it gives God. If there's somebody here today that has never been saved, I pray that tonight would be the day that they would accept your free gift of salvation. Lord, for those that are here who have accepted you, help us to be mindful of what a great blessing we have received. How you've changed our our lives. You've changed our future. Not for anything we've done or anything we can offer you, but solely for the sake of your son. Jesus Christ. We're so grateful for salvation in Jesus name that I pray an amen

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1 Samuel 27:1-12