Senior Adults

Our senior adults call themselves the Retreads. They are one of the most active groups in our church. There is something going on every week for this thriving ministry.
"When I saw the name 'Retreads,' I thought, Hey, that's me!"
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning, the senior adults get together for a time of exercise in the gym. Doors open at 8:30 AM.
Retreads Game Day
The seniors have a get-together from 10 AM - 1 PM on the last Friday of each month. They start with games and end with a potluck lunch.
Throughout the year, the Retreads will go to visit different attractions in the region. They've been to too many places to list.

Work to do.
So many of our seniors remain active in the ministries of the church. Though they have dedicated years of service to the Lord, they continue to volunteer, give, and pray for their church. We are blessed to have such engaged seniors.
Want to know more?
Click 'Get in touch' to connect with someone on our Retreads ministry team.